Category: Membership

Fight Back the Hate, Become a CHIRLA Action Fund Member

All across the country people are standing up against hate-speech. They are people like you and I who seek to create a better world that does not scapegoat, a world that provides an opportunity to reveal our own humanity to one another.

We are entering into very uncharted territory in this upcoming election. Who will win will depend on our turnout. We will either stand idly by and let hatred win, or we will arrive at the ballot box with our principles and ideals reflected in our vote. Our connection, our understanding of ourselves as one human being to another is what distinguishes us from those who stand upon a platform of hate.

Join the fight against bigotry and racism today. Become a CHIRLA Action Fund member and help us stand up against the hate. It’s time to do, or donate. Do your part today.

Become a Member and Fight Back Against Hate

Los Angeles, CA – The CHIRLA Action Fund and CHIRLA have launched their fall dual membership drive to continue to build power and momentum to stop hate speech on its tracks. If you are tired of the rampant unsubstantiated attacks on the immigrant community, become a CHIRLA Action Fund member join the fight to push back. We are continuing to grow our immigrant rights movement and there has never been a better  time to get involved than now!

CHIRLA Action Fund Fall Membership Drive

The CHIRLA Action Fund has demonstrated that we will stand up for the Family Uniters that have taken leadership on behalf of immigrants, and we will vote out the Family Dividers, those that have not stood by our families. We will vote out the extremists who have chosen gridlock and racism over families and common sense.  But we cannot do this alone, we need your support.

We have made historic gains for immigrant rights across the country – we won DACA, we won reform in the Senate, and we’ve won countless victories to advance the rights for immigrants here in California.

Every election cycle, we get one step closer to immigration reform. We only got this far precisely because we mobilized and voted.

We can continue to amplify your voice as a CHIRLA Action Fund member.  Together we can stand as workers, students, supporters, advocates and individuals making a difference in the lives of immigrants every day. Take the next step with us by becoming a CHIRLA Action Fund member for the cost of $25 a year.  With your support there is no limit to what we can accomplish.
