Month: October 2014

CHIRLA Action Fund Fall Membership Drive

The CHIRLA Action Fund has demonstrated that we will stand up for the Family Uniters that have taken leadership on behalf of immigrants, and we will vote out the Family Dividers, those that have not stood by our families. We will vote out the extremists who have chosen gridlock and racism over families and common sense.  But we cannot do this alone, we need your support.

We have made historic gains for immigrant rights across the country – we won DACA, we won reform in the Senate, and we’ve won countless victories to advance the rights for immigrants here in California.

Every election cycle, we get one step closer to immigration reform. We only got this far precisely because we mobilized and voted.

We can continue to amplify your voice as a CHIRLA Action Fund member.  Together we can stand as workers, students, supporters, advocates and individuals making a difference in the lives of immigrants every day. Take the next step with us by becoming a CHIRLA Action Fund member for the cost of $25 a year.  With your support there is no limit to what we can accomplish.


Vote Yes on Prop 47!

Californians have an historic opportunity to bring about needed and long-overdue criminal justice reform by voting Yes on Proposition 47.

This measure would:

  • Improve public safety;
  • Reduce prison spending; and
  • Increase our investment in K-12 schools, victims’ services and mental health and drug treatment.

Prop. 47, the Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act, will be on the ballot this November. It would change the lowest-level, nonviolent crimes such as simple drug possession and petty theft from felonies to misdemeanors. The savings would go toward preventing crime.

If it passes, California will lead the nation in ending felony sentencing for the lowest level, non-violent crimes, permanently reduce incarceration and shift $1 billion in the next five years alone from the state corrections department to K-12 school programs and mental health and drug treatment.

This reform maintains the current law for anyone with prior convictions for rape, murder or child molestation.

At the same time, Prop. 47 reduces the barriers that many people with a low-level, non-violent felony conviction face to becoming stable and productive citizens, such as a lack of employment, housing and access to assistance programs and professional trades.

Yes on Prop. 47 is supported by law enforcement leaders, crime victims, teachers, rehabilitation experts, business leaders, faith-based leaders and immigrant rights organizations, as well as the CHIRLA Action Fund.

This reform will focus our law enforcement resources on violent and serious crime, and use the savings in prison spending to prevent crime.