All in for Registry is a national campaign to provide a path to citizenship for immigrants who are our neighbors, friends, and family. The registry bills in the House & Senate (H.R. 1511 & S. 2606) have the support of dozens of congressional leaders, 150 civic & faith-based organizations, and millions of Americans.
We seek a pathway to citizenship for ALL 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country. Free of compromise & poison pills. One that recognizes their humanity and reflects the endless contributions of immigrants.
We demand a permanent solution for ALL communities with temporary protections. Those living under the uncertainty of DACA & TPS should have access to permanent solutions.
75% of all Americans fully support action on immigration and have abundant Congressional support in the House and Senate.
The passage of bills H.R. 1511 & S. 2606 would represent a pathway to citizenship for millions.